Friday, December 6, 2019
E-Commerce Security for Customer Satisfaction in Banking Sector
Question: Discuss about theE-Commerce Security for Customer Satisfaction in Banking Sector. Answer: Article 1: Janda, S. Fair, L. (2004). Exploring Consumer Concerns Related to the Internet This article is reviewing about the eleven individual concerns that may people about the internet. A survey conducted to collect the data to develop the concerns of the consumer about these eleven issues. This aspect establish interrelationship between the consumers and E-Commerce. Descriptive measures are selected in order to compare the viewpoint of the individual demographic group (Wujian et al., 2011). In contrast with this aspect, it is found that people are mainly interested in the online information provided to the children. Here three potentialsecurity issues are highlighted: hacker easily hack the hard-drives when they are online, interception of the credit data and threat from the unauthorized party who is accessing the data without permission. On the other hand it is noted that rather than the male customers female customers are more concisions about their purchase and is more particular about the online thefts such as identity theft, hacking and data theft etc. Article 2: Harvey, F. (2016). A Reference Model for Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures Respecting Privacy and Flexibility in b2c eCommerce This article is reviewing about the massive impact of hacker on the concerned society. Hacking is nothing but a criminal attempt that harm not only the individual but also affect the society (Azmi, 2002). Hacker likes to create such situation where the authorities, power stations and other technical departments feel like they are destroyed and there is no chance recover their loss. Most of the times the hacker creates problem but the victims does not support he investigation to make them responsible for the massive attacks and disasters. This aspect makes them more comfortable in doing such things repeatedly. When the matter comes to the point that the hackers should be arrested for their doings then the business organizations should consider the identification of vulnerabilities. This identification helps the organizations to examine hacking techniques as well as their possible solutions. They may use a firewall that may protect the used data or transacted data over theinternet. Article 3: Azmi, I. (2002). E-Commerce and Privacy Issues: An Analysis of the Personal Data Protection Bill User privacy is one of the most important aspects that have to be considered with E- Commerce. Tracking of use data such as user choices, transaction details while making any purchase and taste of the user are collected through the cookies, queries etc. in online services (Chandratre Kulkarni, 2014). These aspects have generated a serious concern about the privacy of user data. In the literature, the government has i.e. Federal Trade Commission has published some regulatory acts that will protect the user data from being stolen or misused. FTP has given the chance to consumers to allow their details in the web servers while doing any transaction or some online activities. These measures have protected the user right as well as reduce the chances of data theft. In addition to this, the draft bill established Malaysian government protect the data from being theft. These self-regulatory measures have changed the entire scenario that was making society suffer for this data theft. Article 4: Cheek, P. (2016). Hacking Authorisation and Authentication structure are getting popular throughout the internet. Though this is aspect created massive problems still technology has invented so many ways to resist them, these are Grid computing, company network, academia etc (Chatterjee, 2016). The concepts of product may vary against several factors: strengths, weakness, architecture and target groups etc. Security needs has been changed its realistic approach in case of the business process.Security measure over internet is not generally mentioned nowadays to the E-Commerce providers. Security means security issues related to data protection, privacy and other consequent details must have to be mentioned. AAI provides the consumers to be flexible while considering their privacy. E- Commerce applications are fulfilling all the demands of the consumers as per their choices. Several policies are guiding the consumers for protecting their private data. Article 5: Marchany, R. Tront, J. (2002).E-Commerce Security Issues. The comprehensive study about the technological advancements in the field of online activities, it is found that the technological advancements has introduced new threats to the information system (CHEEK, 2016). Market has developed itself from various perspectives that has revolutionized the entire system of information infrastructure but the concerned threats has impacted upon the organizational culture as well as individual privacy. This literature is elaborating the possible ways to resolve these issues by the regulating measures or laws. There are several reasons that force the organizations and individuals to follow the wrong way of selecting technological advancements. This aspect leads to the misuse of technological advancements. A comprehensive security policy helps the organizations as well as the individuals to ensure restriction to these attacks and threats. These prohibiting measures helps to reduce the cost involved within the system that specifies the economic growth o f not only the nation but also of the individuals. Article 6: Ojha, A. (2016).A Review of Security Issues in Mobile Agent-Based E-Commerce This literature is reviewing the impact of E- Commerce on the present scenario of the business industry. It can be shown form the surveys done on the business industry that E- Commerce is playing an important role in the business industry (HARVEY, 2016). In this literature, the mobile agent based e- commerce is specially discussed. Mobile- Agent based system requires a specific infrastructure base. This infrastructure is comprised of the followings: security, matching mechanism of the agent manufacturing, financial and legal services. These aspects should have to be followed by any information security infrastructure to implement the mobile agent based system. This infrastructure helps to provide the satisfaction and confidence to the business industries in order to achieve their goals and objectives with perfection in the competitive marketplace. This paper is analyzing the impact of the Mobule agents in security perspectives within any system. The above mentioned aspects are very i mportant as mobile agent based technological advancements impacts greatly in the E- Commerce applications. Article 7: Chatterjee, S. (2016).Security and Privacy Issues in E-Commerce: A Proposed Guidelines to Mitigate the Risk. This literature review is elaborating the highlighted security issues of E-Commerce and their resolution measures. Information system and technology has become the most effective and important aspects in case of the E-commerce (Hossain et al., 2015). Information system framework in the field of E- Commerce has become so much popular in comparison with other technological advancements. In spite of this popularity of information, system in the field of E- Commerce the entire set up is getting reluctant as various security threats and privacy-violating measures are being introduced within the system. These threats of related to the information are increasing the deficiency of trust among the users on their application providers. This aspect is also affecting the economic structure of the organization. This paper is describing the techniques and steps required for the restricting these threats as well as these privacy- violating measures. Several steps are provided in this paper in prote cting the user data from theft and other privacy threats. Article 8: Wujian, Y., Yangkai, W., Guanlin, C. (2011).Application of Voice Recognition for Mobile E-commerce Security Mobile E-Commerce is one of the most innovative and trending options available in the E-Commerce field. E-Commerce branch has creating a great impact on the field of technological advancements. E-Commerce has brought everything in front of the user and consumers (Janda Fair, 2004). Mobile E- Commerce is has made this service more compatible with the variable demands of the consumers within the competitive market. In this paper, the new system of voice recognition in the E-Commerce has been proposed. This protects the system in a better way than other security measures taken in the E-Commerce platform. This system is totally user- friendly. The impacts as well as the structure of the security model are described in details in this paper. Article 9: Hossain, M., Fotouhi, M., Hasan, R. (2015).Towards an Analysis of Security Issues, Challenges, and Open Problems in the Internet of Things. Internet of things is one of the most effective technological advancements in the contemporary time. This technological advancement has connected every individual with the help of the internet (Marchany Tront, 2002). In this paper, it is found that the internet of things have great impact on the E-Commerce, E-Trafficking, E-Home etc. In contrast with the huge application of the Internet of Things, several attacks and threats have been found that has highlighted as the main cause of malicious attacks and threats to the information system. According to the researches done on the applications of IoT it is found that there are security challenges and chances of attacks within the information system. In this paper the gap between the security challenges and problems are described. In addition to this paper is reviewing about the security threat models, security issues as well as resolution measures are described. Article 10: Chandratre, M. Kulkarni, P. (2014).Security Issues Related to Web Services In E-commerce. Security issues related to web services in E- Commerce is the matter of concern in this paper. The process of using E- Commerce websites are analyzed in this paper. In contrast with the background of E-Commerce, the impact of web mining is also described in this paper in order to assess the user behaviour on web-based platform. The web-based mining is mainly popular for providing many mining based security algorithm to the E- Commerce system (Ojha, 2016). These algorithms evaluate the customer behaviour with respect to the use of the web applications by those users. In addition to this, the customer behaviour is checked through the rank based algorithm, web mining algorithm and trust rank algorithm. The concerned results of these algorithms are used as the web development framework in the field of E-Commerce. These applications help to build new false hit database to ensure the security of the E- Commerce platform. Article 11: Schlager, C., Nowey, T., Montenegro, J. (2016).E-Commerce Security Issues. In the contemporary times, the impact of E-Commerce platform is expanded in the technological platform. All the traditional businesspersons are nowadays using the E-Commerce system for developing their business platform. This paper is reviewing possible security structures that may help in reducing the security threats and privacy- violating measures (Schlager et al., 2016). All of these security measures are mentioned in this review to make clear the depth of it in concerned technological advancements. There are some comparison is present in this paper between the postal system and internet facilities. Considering the attacks among Amazon, EBay etc are the examples of impact of the threats associated with the E- Commerce platform that is hampering the technological development. This not only affects the developmental perspective of the organization but also hampers the financial growth. There are several security breaches that had been mandated the growth of the technology. All of t he examples provided in this Paper are mainly the concerned responses of the clients related to several E-Commerce platforms. Article 12: Adelola, T., Dawson, R., Batmaz, F. (2014).Privacy and Data Protection in E-Commerce. The most effective and trending technological advancements is E-Commerce. This technological advancement has brought financial growth to the country. In spite of there are several benefits of the E-Commerce but it also has introduced so many threats in the field of information security (Adelola et al., 2014). In many countries, there are laws and regulatory measures that are protecting the rights of the consumers in the field of E-Commerce. These regulatory acts and laws have protected the private data of those users and consumers. In addition to this there are still so many countries that had not been mentioned any law for regulating these threats within their country. This creates rise in security issues within their country. The regulatory acts established within several countries are considered as the self-regulatory acts by the governments of those countries. This paper is elaborating the reason behind unsuccessful approach of government in Nigeria for developing the country. No there is no there intext references found with bold and coloured texts. No there is no bold, coloured text is matching in the self check report that is including more than three words in a row copied from the original source without quotation marks. No the direct quotations does not take more than 10% of the essay. No there is no matches found with bold and coloured text in the originality report that is purely coincidental. No there are no sort of things found in the originality report that is indicating the unsuccessful paraphrasing attempts. Yes I have synthesized the idea from the source and used my own thoughts to write the essay. I have strictly avoided the quotations and used own ideas in the write up. References Adelola, T., Dawson, R., Batmaz, F. (2014).Privacy and Data Protection in E-commerce. Retrieved 22 September 2016, from https://file:///C:/Users/Absas--)/Downloads/974678_2054057501_Privacyissues2014%20(1).pdf Azmi, I. (2002). E-Commerce and Privacy Issues: An Analysis of the Personal Data Protection Bill.International Review Of Law, Computers Technology,16(3), 317-330. Chandratre, M. Kulkarni, P. (2014).Security Issues Related to Web Services In E-commerce. Retrieved 22 September 2016, from https://file:///C:/Users/Absas--)/Downloads/974676_429698479_Securityissues08.2014%20(2).pdf Chatterjee, S. (2016).Security and Privacy Issues in E-Commerce: A Proposed Guidelines to Mitigate the Risk. Retrieved 22 September 2016, from https://file:///C:/Users/Absas--)/Downloads/974673_874000998_Securityandprivacyissues06.201%20(2).pdf CHEEK, P. (2016). 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